Adopt A Wirehaired Pointing Griffon

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Adopting a Wirehaired Pointing Griffon

Frequently asked questions about about acquiring an Wirehaired Pointing Griffon - the pros and cons of adopting versus going through a breeder, and associated costs.

You can adopt a Wirehaired Pointing Griffon at a much lower cost than buying one from a breeder. The cost of adopting a Wirehaired Pointing Griffon is typically $50 to $300. The adoption fee often covers an initial exam, vaccines, preventatives, microchipping, and spay/neuter. In contrast, buying a Wirehaired Pointing Griffon from a breeder can be prohibitively expensive. Depending on their breeding, they can cost $800 to $2,000.

The easiest way to adopt a Wirehaired Pointing Griffon is through a rescue that specializes in Wirehaired Pointing Griffons. A great place to start is with a breed search on Adopt a Pet, which will show you all the available Wirehaired Pointing Griffons in your search radius.

Wirehaired Pointing Griffon fun facts

Fun Facts:

The Wirehaired Pointing Griffon was developed to be able to hunt in any terrain - that means this breed can excel both on land and in water, able to both hunt and retrieve.

Grace Kelly's husband, Prince Rainer III of Monaco owned a Wirehaired Pointing Griffon named Odin, and the dog even followed the Prince in his funeral procession in 2005.

The Wirehaired Pointing Griffon was the first of the specific class of all-purpose (hunting, retrieving, watchdog, and companion) European gundogs to be officially recognized in the United States.

Wirehaired Pointing Griffon hero photo

Wirehaired Pointing Griffon Breed Guide

Before you adopt, learn everything about Wirehaired Pointing Griffon types to temperament and health issues to popular Wirehaired Pointing Griffon mixes in our Breed 101 Guides.