Adopt A Norwich Terrier

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Adopting a Norwich Terrier

Frequently asked questions about about acquiring an Norwich Terrier - the pros and cons of adopting versus going through a breeder, and associated costs.

You can adopt a Norwich Terrier at a much lower cost than buying one from a breeder. The cost to adopt a Norwich Terrier is $50 to $300. Typically, this adoption fee includes an initial exam, heartworm testing and treatment, parasite preventatives, vaccines, microchipping, and spay/neuter. In contrast, buying Norwich Terriers from breeders can be prohibitively expensive. Depending on their breeding, they can cost $1,500 to $4,000.

The easiest way to adopt a Norwich Terrier would be through a rescue that specializes in Norwich Terriers and through small-breed rescues. They are a rare breed, especially compared to the more common Yorkshire Terrier. Finding a Norwich Terrier mixed-breed pup may be easier. A great place to start is with a breed search on Adopt a Pet. The search will show you all the available Norwich Terriers in your area.

Norwich Terrier fun facts

Fun Facts:

"Winky" in the Christopher Guest film Best In Show was played by a Norwich Terrier.

The Norwich and the Norfolk Terrier have essentially the same physical characteristics except for one main difference: the Norwich Terrier boasts erect ears, and the Norfolk Terrier boasts dropped ears.

Norwich Terriers are rare because they usually require Caesarean sections and their litters are very small - averaging just 2 puppies per litter.

Norwich Terrier hero photo

Norwich Terrier Breed Guide

Before you adopt, learn everything about Norwich Terrier types to temperament and health issues to popular Norwich Terrier mixes in our Breed 101 Guides.