by Adopt a Pet, | January 8, 2024
Marco Govel / Stocksy
Rehoming your pet? You may ask, “Where can I put a Labrador Retriever up for adoption?” Your options include shelters, private rescues, and rehoming your dog yourself, and each has its own pros and cons. Let’s take a look at which option might be the best choice for you.
Surrendering your dog to a shelter is one way to have your Labrador Retriever put up for adoption, but it’s important to remember that you’ll have no say in the final outcome.
Shelters do the very best they can for the dogs in their care, and they work tirelessly to find them all homes, but the sad reality is that it’s not always possible—and the more people surrender their pets, the more difficult their job becomes.
Talking to the shelter operators and doing some rehome_research on their live release rate may give you some peace of mind, but it’s important to know the potential outcome.
Reputable private rescues are another option, but they do not accept as many animals, and it can be difficult to find space. Of course, every pet owner would want their dog to be placed in the care of an organization that will do whatever it takes to find the pet a home, but rescues also have limited resources, and aren’t able to take in every dog.
More and more pet owners are making the choice to put their Labrador Retriever up for adoption and find the perfect home on their own. Rehome, a program by Adopt-a-Pet that specializes in helping pet owners find new homes for their furry family members, allows you to create a profile of your pet that can be seen by the millions of potential adopters that visit Adopt-a-Pet every month.
The site also includes expert advice and tools that allow you to accept applications and complete other tasks that simplify the rehoming process.
If circumstances are such that you can longer keep your Labrador Retriever, rehoming them yourself gives them the best chance of a happy future and gives you peace of mind.
Behavior & Training
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Thinking of adopting a dog but concerned how they
By rehoming your dog directly, you might help open up space for other animals who might be in more urgent need of shelter.
If you’re considering finding a new home for a pet, check out Rehome. It’s Adopt a Pet’s safe, simple program that lets people safely rehome a pet.
Behavior & Training
Shelters & Rescue
Sometimes life happens, and you need a temporary home for your pet while you get back on your feet. Here’s what to do.