by Adopt a Pet, | January 11, 2024
The answer to the question, “How long does it take an American Staffordshire Terrier to get used to a new home?”, depends on many factors such as the age and temperament of the pet, and their situation prior to coming to your home. Many adopters give up much too quickly and return a pet because they don’t think they’re fitting in, but it can take up to a few months for a dog to fully adjust to their surroundings.
When you adopt an American Staffordshire Terrier, you owe it to them to do all you can to make it work. Some people have unrealistic expectations and think a dog should come in to the home and immediately know how to behave and be able to fall right into a new routine — but it generally doesn’t work that way.
Give your dog plenty of time to get used to everything. If you don’t think they’re progressing quickly enough, talk to your vet or a reputable trainer for some advice.
When you give up on your dog and return them to the shelter, you’re making it harder for them to be able to trust people and fit in to the next home. Instead, work with them and you’ll end up with a loving and loyal dog who will, over time, learn exactly what is expected of them.
And that’s the best possible scenario for your dog and for you!
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