HomeBehavior & trainingHow Do I Know If My Dog Swallowed Something?

How Do I Know If My Dog Swallowed Something?

by Adopt a Pet, | January 8, 2024


Signs that your dog swallowed something include vomiting after eating, bloated stomach, and refusing food. Some blockages are an emergency, but you should always visit your vet if you suspect your dog has swallowed a foreign object and they are displaying symptoms or acting abnormally. A bloated stomach in particular needs immediate attention, but any blockage caused by swallowing a foreign object could be life threatening.

Waiting For The Object To Pass Could Be Deadly 

It’s true that in some cases the object will pass safely, but you’re taking a big chance by waiting instead of visiting your vet. Sharp objects can pierce the bowel, toxic items can cause poison to spread, and string can become tangled around the intestine.

Another potential side effect is that a blockage can restrict blood flow and cause bowel tissue to die. This condition, called peritonitis, is often fatal.

Instead of taking chances, let a vet assess the situation and advise on the best course of action. The vet may be able to remove the object with an endoscope. In some cases, surgery may be required to safely remove the item.

Prevention Is The Best Medicine

Some dogs are cautious about what they eat while others just wolf down anything and everything: gravel, socks, pennies, etc…

It’s impossible to watch your dog 24/7, but you can help to prevent issues by keeping the areas he frequents free from objects he may swallow. Do a quick check of the yard every morning, and make sure trash, clothing, and other items in the home aren’t easily accessible.

When it comes to dog toys, choose tough toys that aren’t easily torn into many pieces. Also, supervise play time and once a toy it damaged, throw it away.

If you suspect your dog has swallowed something, get to the vet as soon as possible. The sooner treatment is given after your dog swallows a foreign object, the better his chances for a full recovery. 

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