HomeAdoptionPet Tax Deductions: Can You Claim Pets On Taxes?

Pet Tax Deductions: Can You Claim Pets On Taxes?

Wondering about tax savings for pet expenses? Learn about Pet Tax Deductions to understand how to claim your pet on taxes

by Adopt a Pet, | March 21, 2024

Pet Tax Deductions: Can You Claim Pets On Taxes?

Sam Lion / Pexels

It’s that time of year again: Tax season. You’ve likely gathered your W2s and 1099s, so now you’re digging into every possible deduction you could make on your taxes. We’re right there with you. In a moment of desperation, you’ve looked at your dog or cat and wondered: “Can I write them off on my taxes?” Well, good news: You can write your pets off on your taxes, in certain circumstances. Read on for more information on what pet-related costs you can claim on your taxes. 

Your pet is part of your family, and they certainly come with their own set of expenses, from vet bills to food. Luckily, you are able to write your little roommate off on your taxes in certain circumstances. But the IRS always likes to keep things very complex and complicated, so it’s important to read below to see if your dog or cat technically qualifies. You don’t want to accidentally file incorrectly and end up owing the government money. 

Often, it still makes more sense to take the standard tax deduction, which is $13,850 for individual taxpayers in 2024, unless your mortgage or your state and local taxes exceed that amount or your medical costs were more than 7.5 percent of your adjusted gross income. It’s important to note that you should start collecting receipts and bills for every pet-related expense that you’re hoping to deduct. 

Claiming pets on taxes

The short answer is that certain types of pets or financial costs associated with them can be claimed, but you aren’t able to claim your cat or pup as a dependent. There are deductions that you can make, and there are certain types of deductions that you can’t — we outline both below.

Service animal tax deduction

If you have a certified service animal, then you can deduct the costs associated with caring for your dog from your taxes, including medical costs, pet food, grooming, and training, if those costs exceed 7.5 percent of your adjusted gross income. The cost of buying your service animal can also be deducted. Service animals go through a professional training process and wear an official working vest when in public. They are different from an emotional support or therapy animal. Service pets help people with physical disabilities and those who have visual and hearing impairment as well as seizures and PTSD. Make sure that you have a note from your doctor as proof and any official documents. 

Emotional support animal tax deduction

This is where it gets a bit tricky. Emotional support animals or therapy animals are usually not considered tax deductible, but if your pet was recommended to you by a doctor and you have a note, you might be able to. You will have to prove that they fulfill a necessary medical role and are more like a service dog than a pet to earn this deduction. Like the service dog, you would be able to write off the pet’s medical expenses and maintenance costs (food, leashes, boarding, and grooming).

Working animal tax deduction

If your pet clocks in some hours at your work, such as guarding the livestock at your farm or keeping your bodega pest-free, then you can claim your pet as a business expense. You’ll be able to write off their food and vet costs. But you should have a record of how many hours they spend working at your business — basically, a time card.

Performance animal tax deduction

Pets who perform as actors, show animals, or pet influencers, or are part of your performance (i.e. horseback-riding competition) can be considered a tax deduction. For example, if the parent of Messi, the dog who gave an Oscar-worthy performance in Anatomy of a Fall, were working on taxes in America, she’d be filing income from Messi’s performance and thus could write off his costs.  

Foster pet tax deduction

If you’re a foster parent who fosters animals from a 501(C)(3) organization, you can write off expenses that the animal adoption agency or rescue didn’t reimburse you for. Most often, rescues do give foster pet parents everything they need to foster, but on the odd chance that they don’t, you are able to write off food, vet costs, and necessary pet supplies on your taxes — just be sure to keep a receipt for everything as proof. 

Is pet insurance tax deductible?

Because you get tax forms from your own medical insurance, you might be wondering if that applies to your cat or dog. The answer is: Sometimes. If your pet is a service animal, an emotional support dog with a doctor’s note, a performance animal, or a working animal, you can write off pet insurance as a deduction. Otherwise, your pet insurance is not deductible.

Are pet medical expenses tax deductible?

If you have a pet from one of the qualifying groups above, then yes, your pet’s vet bills are tax deductible and your pet prescriptions are also tax deductible. Like with other deductions, if you have a working animal, performance animal, foster pet(s), or a service animal, you should track down all of your bills and receipts to make sure you have proof for all of the deductions that you’d like to make. As much as we wish that the IRS would create a tax deduction for pets as a whole group, because they do provide so much joy and companionship, that just is not the case yet. 

Additional pet tax deductions

Let’s say that you don’t find yourself with a superstar pet influencer or business-protecting mouser. As you stare at your free-loading pet, who is likely snoozing or begging for food or attention, don’t give up hope for tax deductions yet. There are still a few ways that you can write off pet-related activities on your taxes. And if you don’t qualify this year, maybe this will give you a reason to partake in them next year. 

Pet-related donations

If you donate money, food, toys, pet beds, or any other supplies to a non-profit rescue or organization that raises funds for animals, you are able to write those contributions off on your taxes. You should keep a receipt or ask the rescue one when you drop off your donation. Your charitable donations should not exceed 60 percent of your adjusted gross income, so keep this in mind when you’re filing. 

Pet volunteering and charitable work

For shelter volunteers and those who volunteer for other pet-centric non-profits, there is a way to get a tax deduction beyond monetary giving and supply donations. And if you drive for a non-profit rescue, you can deduct some charitable transportation costs. For example, let’s say you drive a newly adoptable dog from one state to another to get them to their new rescue. That would be considered a deduction. But if you’re driving to the non-profit to volunteer, you aren’t able to write off that gas expense, unfortunately. We don’t make the rules; we just relay them. 

Commonly asked questions

How much does owning a pet cost?

Being a pet parent typically costs around $1,000 a year, though that can be higher or lower depending on the type of pet (puppies are more costly than adult dogs, typically). And when you first get a new pet, the costs are much higher.

Can I get financial assistance on vet bills? 

Yes,  you can turn to charities, animal welfare nonprofits, and other organizations, because they are able to help pet parents with bills. If this is not a route that works, speak with your vet and see if there is a way to get put on a payment plan, which will at least make the payments more manageable. 


Topic No. 502, Medical and Dental Expenses

Guide to Business Expense Resource

How to Deduct Pet-Related Expenses on Your Taxes

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