How to Help a Cat With Asthma
Feline asthma is not common. But if your cat is diagnosed with the condition, it is very treatable. Here’s how to care for your kitty to ensure a long, happy life.
Feline asthma is not common. But if your cat is diagnosed with the condition, it is very treatable. Here’s how to care for your kitty to ensure a long, happy life.
by Elizabeth Laura Nelson, | October 28, 2024
Larisa Stefanuyk / iStock
If you’re ready to welcome a new feline family member into your home and are searching shelters to find that meant-to-be match, you may fall for a cat who has some health challenges. Asthma in cats isn’t particularly common (an estimated one to five percent of cats have asthma), but it is the most commonly diagnosed respiratory ailment in cats.
If the cat you’re considering adopting has asthma, you probably have some concerns about their unique needs and challenges — and that’s understandable. While managing a cat with asthma will require additional attention and medical support, with proper treatment and environmental adjustments, these cats (and their humans) usually lead happy lives.
Keep reading to find out what veterinarians have to say in response to common questions about cats with asthma. And if you are already a pet parent and wondering if your cat has asthma, you’ll find some useful information here, as well.
Cats can have asthma — which is characterized by inflammation and narrowing of the airways, leading to trouble breathing — just like humans. Dr. Grant Little, DVM, a veterinarian who’s a pet expert on the JustAnswer, says that factors like age, breed, and whether the kitty in question is an indoor or an outdoor cat can all have an impact on the prevalence of asthma.
Certain illnesses can also make cats more susceptible to asthma. “Viral infections, such as feline leukemia disease, feline immunodeficiency virus, feline herpes virus, or others that weaken the immune system make the respiratory tract more irritated and reactive,” Dr. Little says. This can lead to symptoms of asthma, such as wheezing, sticking their neck out, and even vomiting.
“Cats with allergies or disorders leading to chronic airway inflammation are more affected by asthma,” adds Dr. Amanda Chambers, DVM, Veterinary Consultant for Embrace Pet Insurance. She says that brachycephalic (or short-faced) cat breeds, felines who are overly anxious or stressed, and cats with higher exposure to irritants (such as those living in smoking households) are also more likely to have asthma.
Besides tobacco smoke, things like household cleaning sprays, mold, pollen, and dust mites can also trigger symptoms of asthma, says Dr. Preston Turano, DVM at Felix Cat Insurance. “The exact asthma-causing allergens can be difficult to identify, and often are unknown,” Dr. Turano says.
You might be wondering how to tell if your cat has asthma. The vets we spoke to highlighted the following symptoms of asthma in cats. While many of them may signal a cat asthma attack, they could also be signs that something else is going on. The only way to know for sure is to consult your cat’s veterinarian.
If your cat is breathing faster than usual, that’s a red flag. Increased respiratory rate is a classic cat asthma symptom. Fast breathing is a sign that it’s time to visit the vet.
Wheezing in cats sounds like wheezing in humans: audible breathing, perhaps with a high-pitched whistling or rattling sound. It’s a sign that something is wrong, and you should take your cat in to be checked by their vet.
A healthy cat, like a healthy human, doesn’t breathe with their mouth open. This is a classic asthma symptom that should be taken seriously.
Hacking is sometimes harmless, since it’s common for cats to hack when they’re trying to move a hairball through their system. In combination with any of these other symptoms though, or in the absence of a hairball, it could be a symptom of asthma.
Cats with asthma may not be up for their usual activities: scratching their posts, batting their toys around, or chasing beams of light around the living room. If your cat is lethargic, pay a visit to your vet to figure out what’s behind their lack of energy.
This is another symptom that can signal a variety of ailments, including asthma. If your kitty is not eating the way they normally do, consult your vet to see what might be going on. Losing weight can be a sign of asthma.
What cat parent hasn’t cleaned up more than their fair share of cat vomit? Some cats are pukers — that’s just a fact of cat parenthood. But in some cases, cats with asthma will throw up due to distress and breathing issues.
A cat having an acute asthma attack may breathe with their mouth open, cough, and breathe faster than usual, according to Dr. Turano. “Many often have a crouched posture with their neck and head extended while coughing,” he says. If you notice these symptoms, get your cat to a vet right away.
How often do cats have asthma attacks? The frequency of flare-ups varies depending on the cat and how well-managed their asthma symptoms are. “If you think your pet may be having an asthma attack, monitor them closely, and if stable, try to get a video to show your veterinarian. This can be a huge help in making an appropriate diagnosis,” Dr. Chambers says.
To help a cat having an asthma attack, the first thing you should do is remain calm. That way, you can try to calm your cat. “Remove them from any possible irritating, inciting stimulus: smoke, dust, etc.,” Dr. Chambers says. “If your cat appears to be in respiratory distress or their gums look purple, they should be brought to an emergency veterinary clinic immediately. If your cat already has an inhaler prescribed, this can be used in the face of an attack to bring sooner resolution.”
The good news is that there are many different cat asthma treatments available. “Most treated cats can do well and control [asthma] long term, but untreated cats can get significant flare-ups and sometimes go into respiratory distress, which is life-threatening,” Dr. Little says.
“With good monitoring of the respiratory rate at home and the use of medications when they are having flare-ups, cats with asthma can have normal, healthy lives,” Dr. Turano says. “Asthma is a chronic condition and may not be cured, but it can be controlled.”
Which medications are used to control asthma in cats? “If asthma treatment for cats is warranted, asthmatic cats are typically treated with a combination of steroids and bronchodilators,” Dr. Chambers says. “Steroids (oral, injectable, or inhaled) help reduce airway inflammation, which is the underlying issue in asthma. Bronchodilators (oral or inhaled) help combat the airway constriction present in asthmatic patients. Inhaled medications will need to use an inhaler attachment specific to cats.”
It’s best not to smoke around cats. “One of the major factors that plays into making cats more likely to develop asthma is if there’s smoke in the house,” Dr. Little says. “This can be from cigarettes or marijuana.” You’ll want to be mindful about using perfume, essential oils, and scented cleaning products, he adds, because these can be irritating to your cat’s respiratory system.
If your cat has asthma, there are several things you can do to help alleviate the symptoms. “A good diet, daily exercise, and maintaining a proper weight are all keys to a healthy lifestyle,” Dr. Turano says. Below, more tips to keep your cat with asthma feeling good.
All the vets who spoke to Adopt a Pet recommended using a dust-free litter if your cat has asthma, or if they are at risk of developing it. Tuft and Paw’s Really Great Cat Litter is a good choice, as is Boxie Pro Scent-Free Probiotic Clumping Clay Litter. “Asthmatic cats can benefit from low residue litter, such as recycled paper pellets,” Dr. Chambers says.
Cats benefit from regularly scheduled trips to the vet, but if you’re the pet parent of an asthmatic cat (or one with any other medical issue, for that matter), you won’t want to skip any checkups.
Sorry, chonky cat lovers. Cats with asthma need to watch their weight. (Or rather, you need to watch it for them.) “Maintaining an appropriate body condition can help, as overweight cats have more mass to move when they breathe,” Dr. Chambers says. Meanwhile, Dr. Little points out that extra weight makes cats more likely to develop asthma, as well.
Staying within a healthy weight range means watching how many treats your asthmatic kitty gets and the overall amount of food they eat. Your vet can help you figure out how much food, and what kind of food, will be best for your cat.
While exercise is an important part of a healthy feline lifestyle, cats with asthma may need to keep things a little more low-key. “Activity may need to be restricted if it appears to trigger asthmatic episodes,” Dr. Chambers says, before adding that this often isn’t necessary.
The life expectancy of a cat with asthma will be just as long as that of any other cat, provided the asthmatic feline gets proper care and treatment, especially during flare-ups.
Before you bring a cat home, make sure you have the basic supplies: a cat carrier, food and water bowls, food, a litter box and kitty litter, a cat bed, a cat brush and nail clippers, and a toy or two. Cat-proofing your home also means making it comfortable and safe for your new feline family member. This may involve removing or replacing asthma triggers such as overly scented detergents and cleaning products. But you’ll also want to make sure there aren’t any toxic plants around, super-tight spaces in which your cat can get stuck, or sharp/ loose objects around that can accidentally injure them.
Yes, a cat who hasn’t had breathing problems can develop asthma seemingly overnight. “Cats can have an acute asthma attack when exposed to an allergen or irritant that triggers the inflammatory response,” Dr. Turano explains.
Feline Asthma: Diagnostic and Treatment Update
Elizabeth Laura Nelson is a writer and editor based in Brooklyn, New York. As a child, Elizabeth was scared of cats (claws and teeth, yikes) but she has since gotten over her fear and now shares her home with three sweet and gentle feline companions who make life better (and cuddlier) every day.
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